


  • All players must check-in with the score table and be on a valid roster before they are allowed to play.
  • 一名球员只能在一个联赛中为一支球队效力.
  • Teams may add players to their roster up until the end of their second game of the tournament/league play.
    • However, that player must not have played for another team during the same season.
  • 玩家不得“跳槽”联赛或球队. 不遵守此规则将被罚没.


  • 一个正规队由5名队员组成.
  • 每队必须有4名队员出席.
  • A team can play with 2 or 3 players only if others have been injured or have fouled out.
  • A team reduced to 3 players by player ejections will automatically forfeit.


  • Teams must have at least TWO members of any under-represented gender(s) on the floor at all times.
    • 如果游戏开始时只有4个玩家, 代表人数不足的性别必须有1名成员.
    • 如果一个团队中只有一名未被充分代表的性别成员, 他们被要求与四名球员一起比赛.
  • Male-identifying players playing in the co-ed league are NOT allowed to shoot in the lane.
    • You are allowed to jump from outside the lane and land in the paint, however.


  • 所有比赛将由两个20分钟的半场组成.
  • The clock will run except for the final two minutes of each half, and for all team timeouts.
    • During the last two minutes of each half, the clock will stop on all dead balls.
      • If a team is losing by a point differentials of more than 20 points, the clock will not stop.
    • 死球在任何时候都被视为犯规, 违反, 并且会出现超时, 但不是在做了篮子之后.
  • 中场休息时间为五分钟.
  • Games will begin with a jump ball and thereafter the alternating possession rule shall apply.
  • 加时时间为5分钟,计时计时, except for the last minute in which the clock will stop on dead balls.
    • 最多只能加三次班.
    • 如果三次加时后比分仍相等, a free-throw shoot out will occur with the players that are on the court when time expired to determine a winner. Free throws will alternate from one team member to the other team until all players have take a shot. 
  • 每队每半场有两次62秒的暂停时间.
    • Time outs do not carry over if they are not used in their designated half.
    • During each overtime, each team will be granted a subsequent time out.


  • A forfeit will be assessed 1) when a team fails to be present with the required number of players at 10 minutes past a scheduled game time, 2)没有提前24小时打电话重新安排比赛, 3)与不符合资格的球员比赛, 或者4)不遵守男女同校的规定.
  • 罚没是“一劳永逸”的意思, once a forfeit occurs your team will be removed from the season and/or tournament.


  • 只有死球才能换人.
  • All substitutes must report to the score table and indicate that they wish to enter at the next dead ball and then sit on the floor as to not obstruct the view of the scorekeeper.
  • The scorekeeper will sound the horn and the officials will recognize the substitutes and wave them on to the court.
  • Players going on to the court without being waved on by the official are subject to a technical foul.


  • 十秒后场: a player must have both feet and the ball completely across the mid-court line before the count stops. The count will only stop if the defending team gains control of the ball or a defensive foul is called. 偏转不会停止计数. 如果球出界,将开始新的10秒计数.
  • 跳球: a referee will call a held ball when both players have hands on the ball and neither can gain sole possession without "undue roughness". The ball will be awarded based on the initial jump ball and the alternating possession arrow.
  • 旅行: is a 违反 of the rules that occurs when a player 持有 the ball moves one or both of their feet illegally. 它被定义为一个既定的枢轴脚的非法运动.
  • 掷界外球投中后,投球手可以跑到底线. 在所有的掷界外球中,球员有五秒钟的时间把球抛出去. 防守方不得突破线的平面, if so they will receive a warning and then a technical foul on all subsequent 违反s. If the defense breaks the play and touches the ball before it is released, it is a technical foul. If the defense breaks the plane and touches the player before the ball is released, 这是一次故意犯规.
  • 罚球: all free throw situations are to be shot as normal 1 and 1, 1 shot, 2 shots or 3 shots. There are no gender restrictions for lining up to rebound free throws. Defensive players must fill the bottom two spaces and they may take the third lane space. 进攻方队员可以填满两边的第二通道空间. 进攻方不得有超过两名球员抢篮板. Players may move down the lane toward the basket if the spaces are not filled. The other three players must remain behind the 3-point line above the free throw line extended. 一旦球被射手释放,所有的球员都可以移动.
  • Each individual is allowed 5 fouls before disqualification from the game.
    • 打手犯规: a player who is in the act of shooting will be rewarded with two or three free throws unless the basket is successful and then they will receive one free throw. 投篮犯规包括砍、持球、推、盖帽等.
    • Non-shooting犯规: a player who is fouled while not in the act of shooting will be rewarded with a team foul. 被犯规的球员将在7号投1和1, 8th, 第9队犯规,每半场之后每次犯规罚2次. Non-shooting fouls include hold, push, block, hand-check, illegal screen, etc.
    • 球员控制犯规:指队员在控制球, 运球, 持有, 或者投篮犯规, 这是球员控制犯规. 球员控制犯规包括冲撞, 降低肩膀, 推掉, 非法的屏幕, 摆动肘部. When a player intentionally swings the elbows in a dangerous manner and makes contact, 判罚一次技术犯规. Intentionally swinging the elbows without contact will result in a 违反.
    • 技术犯规: called at the referee's discretion and in all situations of unsportsmanlike conduct or excessive foul language. A technical foul awards the opposing team two free throws and the ball out of bounds. A player obtaining two technical fouls in a single game will result in an ejection.
    • 恶劣的犯规:当上述任何一个犯规是故意的和恶意的, (dangerous or malicious fouls with no attempt to play the ball or with excessive contact) the player should be ejected immediately.
  • Any ejections will result in that player's loss of eligibility for their next two games and a second ejection will result in suspension from play for the rest of the sport's season.





报告问题 - 最后更新: 12/20/2021


康乐署署长 & 健身中心

