

  • Six players are required on the ice at all times (5 players and one goalie). 在替换, the player coming onto the ice must wait until the player leaving the ice comes to the bench.
  • 所有的游戏本质上都是男女同校的. 至少 two players of any under-represented gender must be present on the ice at all times. A team may start and play with one member of an under-represented gender but must play a person-down until the second person of an under-represented gender arrives at the game.

  • 球员不允许“跳队”. 他们只能参加一个队.

  • The Shooter-Tutor is NOT permitted to be used as a substitute for a goalie.

  • 比赛将分为两个20分钟的时段. The clock will only be stopped in the last 2 minutes of the 2nd period if the game is within 3 points; otherwise, 时钟将运行整个时间.
  • Each team is permitted one timeout per half that will last for one minute. Timeouts do not carry over into the second half if they are not used.
  • Goalies may touch the ball with their hands when in the goal crease, 但他们可能不会用手推进球. Goalies are permitted to trap the ball for a whistle only while in the goal crease.
  • 守门员不得越过红线出界.

  • 一旦守门员离开折痕, he/she will lose the protected status of a goalie and may not trap the ball with their hands.
  • Players may touch the ball with their hands only by knocking it down to play it with their broom. 他们不能向前或用手传球. 不可故意踢球.
  • Penalties will be issued in accordance to the following guidelines:
  • 2 minutes: 1 or 2 knee slides, slashing, tripping and roughing. High sticking will be called when any player makes an attempt on the ball and their stick goes above the horizontal level of the crossbar.
  • 5分钟:任何明显或严重的“重大”违规.
  • Game: any player thrown out of a game will serve an additional two game suspension.
  • 在2分钟的罚球期间, 如果人手不足的球队得分, 被罚的球员将被允许返回赛场. 当同一队被判两次或两次以上点球时, 球队规模不会减少到四人以下. Penalized teams will not play with fewer than four people on the ice. 在罚球期间, 如果人手不足的球队得分, the penalized player will NOT be allowed to return to the ice until they serve their entire penalty.
  • 不会有结冰呼叫. Offsides will be called if any player on the attacking team crosses the opposing team's blue line before the ball.
  • 所有选手必须穿网球鞋. Neither boots, loafers, sandals, cleats, nor track spikes will be permitted on the ice. 所有选手必须穿裤子. 不允许穿短裤. 所有选手必须戴上带有全脸面罩的头盔.
  • Only "dressed" players/ ready to play are permitted to be in box during the game.
  • Helmets and other protective gear will be available at Honnen Ice Rink upon presentation of valid ID.
  • 没有id,没有设备.



  • Proper identification is required to check out hockey equipment: 没有CC id -没有设备-没有例外.
  • Players are to remain off the ice while the Zamboni is resurfacing.
  • 所有选手必须戴头盔. 防护装备是可选的,但强烈建议.
  • 联盟本质上是男女同校的. 至少 一个 member of any underrepresented gender must be on the ice at all times.
  • 球员只能参加一个队.
  • 4比4,没有守门员.
  • The game will consist of two 12-minute halves with a 2-minute halftime. 时钟将运行整个时间.
  • Substitutions must be made within the designated substitution area at the blue line and can be made during play, “动态”, 或者在捡球的时候. There is no stoppage of play after a goal is scored or after a penalty is awarded.


  • To begin the game, teams can elect to have a faceoff, or give possession to one team to start. The other team will start the second half and the teams will switch goals after the first half.
  • 每场比赛将有一名裁判. Referees will have the discretion to also award a "penalty shot" to the opposing team when a minor penalty is flagrant and/or a team is consistently playing in a reckless manner.
    • Penalty shots will be taken from center ice and must be attempted within 30 seconds of the penalty being called. 对方球队的任何人都可以射门. The team that is awarded the penalty shot will also be given possession of the ball following the penalty shot attempt (regardless of the outcome of the shot)
  • 任何重大处罚, which includes any action that could possibly injure another player, will result in that player being ejected from the game and will be prohibited from participating in the team’s next two games. The team that received the ejection will play the remainder of the game short-handed (3v4 or 2v3).
  • 官员滥用职权将被视为重大处罚. 这包括大喊大叫,咒骂,或争论电话.
  • 不允许检查. 这种行为将导致轻微的处罚 unless deemed serious enough to be a major.
  • Raising your broom above the waist in a shooting motion is not allowed. 这种行为将导致轻微的处罚.
  • Players may not slide on both knees under any circumstances. 允许单膝在冰上滑行. If a player slides into another player this will be a major penalty.
  • Players cannot fall or lay on the ice in an effort to protect the goal area. 这种行为将导致轻微的处罚.
  • 不允许守门员. A player may not patrol, "camp out" or remain stationary in the crease area and act as a goaltender. 防守队员可以在折痕区使球偏转, but the defender must do so while continuing to move through the crease area.
  • The crease area is defined as an imaginary box extending out four feet from the outside corners of the goal. Goaltending also applies to offensive players in the offensive zone/goal as well. 
  • Contacting the ball with a stick above the waist will result in a loss of possession.
  • If the ball goes out of bounds, the last team to touch it loses possession. During restart, the defender must give his opponent 2-stick lengths of space.
  • 没有越位或罚冰.
  • 可以在溜冰场的任何区域进球.
  • Teams must give their opponents 1/2 ice after a goal is scored or an infraction takes place. 
  • 没有id,没有设备,没有例外.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 01/19/2022


康乐署署长 & 健身中心

